You Can Manage the Holidays Better if you Keep your head during the holidays. It's easier if you have a plan. So, let’s get crackin’….here’s your plan. I’ve included 10 steps you can get started on right away!
First, decide – there is power in making a decision. You’re creating a desired outcome and plan, then sticking to it. Decide to be mindful of how much you commit to, how much you eat and drink, and commit to rest.

2. Be authentic with yourself. It’s so easy to get caught up and indulge in all the hype of the season of giving. It’s easy to overspend, and over extend which causes more stress come January. Make a budget of what you can afford and what you will spend, then stick to it. Include food, gifts and time. You’ll be a lot happier in January.
3. Be sure to keep your exercise schedule above all else. Exercise is a huge help in managing the stress of the season and in keeping your waist line where it belongs. Calm the nervous system, with exercise, preventing overstimulation. It will also be great help in burning off those extra calories!
4. Take walks in nature. Regardless of the weather, bundle up if you have to, but get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature and your neighbo’s decorations. Breathe the clean fresh, winter air. Walking together with a friend or family member is a great way to connect in a beautiful way.
5. Make time to relax and get off the technology. Turn off the phone, tablet and computer and spend quality time with yourself and your loved ones. This is probably the best part of the holidays. Take a technology break and be fully present in the fun. Relax, read a book, color, bake some cookies.
6. Plan ahead for holiday parties and eat before you go….you’ll be less likely to eat or over-indulge in all the fattening and sugary foods if you arrive, “not hungry.”
7. Drink Plenty of Water: Staying hydrated will keep you feeling great, allow you to sleep better and will actually help you make healthier choices with regards to foods and alcohol.
8. Leave the politics at home! Let’s face it, our country is a hot bed of controversy right now….best politics….aren’t any! Avoid confrontational discussions about anything! Stay out of your EGO! Staying neutral, meaning, do not allow yourself to get offended or instigate controversial conversations during the holidays!
Remaining in your peaceful center without judgment will allow you to stay happy through the family gatherings, and keep it that way. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, let them keep ‘em!
9. Take time for a warm bubble bath with candles and lavender oil…invite your honey too. This is a great way to unwind. A detox bath is truly relaxing. Dr. Mark Hyman suggests, a cup of Epsom salts, some baking soda and several drops of lavender oil. Light up the candles, turn on the meditation music and relax!
10. Start a new tradition. Sometimes, changing things up is better than the same ‘ol, same ‘ol. Instead of giving gifts, have everyone in the family agree to an adventure instead. Meet at a beautiful hiking trail, with a picnic lunch, or spend the day at your local entertainment adventure park, of course, weather providing.
I have some friends, who spend every Christmas in Mexico….they don’t exchange gifts, they just have a bunch of fun and buy stuff there as keepsakes.
The holidays do not have to be stressful, if you have a plan. If you’re feeling blue, hypnosis can really help you get through this time of year. Some of us are missing lost loved ones, or even depression may feel a little worse this time of year with all the pressures. Hypnotherapy can be very helpful to get through these holiday, winter blues.
Give us a call, let's talk...we're here to help.